detective games
Vortex Point
Rating: 8.4
Plays: 1353162
Ray And Cooper
Rating: 8.5
Plays: 888858
Ray And Cooper 2
Rating: 8.6
Plays: 835474
Vortex Point 4
Rating: 8.6
Plays: 822075
Vortex Point 2
Rating: 8.6
Plays: 723017
Vortex Point 3
Rating: 8.7
Plays: 704957
A Night In Crazytown
Rating: 8.4
Plays: 695969
Habla Kadabla
Rating: 8.1
Plays: 617144
Vortex Point 8
Rating: 8.3
Plays: 604467
Creepo's Tales
Rating: 8.7
Plays: 601543
Vortex Point 5
Rating: 8.5
Plays: 583542
Vortex Point 6
Rating: 8.6
Plays: 502697
Small Town Detective
Rating: 8.6
Plays: 470956
Sherlock Has a Clue
Rating: 7.9
Plays: 424787
Detective Sir Biscuit
Rating: 5.3
Plays: 286681
Space On The Case
Rating: 7.7
Plays: 282066
Vortex Point Junior - 1
Rating: 6.6
Plays: 227139
Sherlock Holmes
Rating: 8.3
Plays: 181115
Sherlock Holmes 2
Rating: 8.1
Plays: 179218
The Scene of the Crime - Dream of Murder
Rating: 8.2
Plays: 135153
Vortex Point Junior - 5
Rating: 6.6
Plays: 132008
David and Keithan
Rating: 7.8
Plays: 121199
Vortex Point Junior - 2
Rating: 6.1
Plays: 104255
Rizzoli And Isles - The Masterpiece Murders
Rating: 8.3
Plays: 102973